Join our community!

Share Your Experience, Tag Us on Social Media, and Get a $10 Refund!

We believe that your opinion matters greatly, and we'd love to hear about your experience with our product. Would you be interested in creating a short review video sharing your thoughts and feelings about the product?

Here are some ideas for creating your review video:

Unboxing Video: Film yourself or your partner unboxing the jewelry order together. Show your initial reactions, excitement, and appreciation for the items received.

Try-On Video: Create a video showcasing both you and your partner wearing the jewelry pieces. Describe how they look and feel, and share your thoughts on the design, comfort, and overall appearance.

Testimonial Video: Sit down together and share your honest thoughts and feelings about the jewelry.

Proposal or Anniversary Video: If the jewelry was purchased for a special occasion like a proposal or anniversary, create a video documenting the moment. Share footage of the proposal or anniversary celebration, and express your joy and gratitude for the meaningful gift.

Date Night Video: Film yourselves wearing the jewelry on a special date night

We also encourage our lovely customers to use their creativity and personal experiences to craft UGC/review video that truly reflect their journey as a couple.

Once your review video is ready, simply post it on your preferred social media platform (Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest, Youtube etc.) and tag us:

Instagram: @duostones | Tiktok: @duostones | Pinterest: @duostones | Youtube: @duostones

We'll repost it to share your experience with our community ❤️

As a token of our appreciation for your contribution, we're delighted to offer you a $10 refund on your purchase!

Additionally, we invite you to follow our social media pages to stay connected with our community. It's a great way to discover exclusive offers, engage with other customers, and stay updated on our latest products and announcements.

Warm regards,

Avinash, CEO